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Por Davi Barros, Gustavo Garcia e Marcello Neves � Rio de Janeiro

09/12/2023 03h00 Atualizado 09/12/2023

Um dos primeiros nomes acertados com o Fluminense para 2024, Renato Augusto tem um passado tricolor no curr�culo. Muito antes de se destacar no Flamengo e conquistar idolatria no Corinthians, o meia de 35 atuou no futsal do Flu, ainda menino, quando ainda nem poderia imaginar que voltaria um dia ao clube como refor�o de peso.

+ Fluminense chega a acerto para contratar Renato Augusto, ex-Corinthians

Veja gols e lances de Renato Augusto pelo Corinthians no Brasileir�o

A liga��o de Renato Augusto e Fluminense aconteceu inicialmente entre os anos 1999 e 2000. Aos 11 anos, ele era considerado o "melhor da categoria mirim", que era basicamente formada por meninos mais velhos, j� com 12 anos.

Titular desde os primeiros jogos, que aconteciam em Laranjeiras e em outros gin�sios do estado, Renato Augusto acumulou alguns dos primeiros t�tulos da carreira atuando com a camisa tricolor.

Durante o per�odo em que defendeu o Flu, foi bicampe�o estadual, com a primeira conquista acontecendo no Gin�sio Tio Sam, em Niter�i.

Renato Augusto com a camisa do Fluminense �
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: Reprodu��o redes sociais

Apesar j� despontar com uma promessa no sal�o, a passagem de Renato Augusto pelo clube acabou durando pouco. O interesse em migrar para os campos, que acabou acontecendo pouco tempo depois, fez com que o jovem deixasse o Fluminense.

Renato Augusto nos tempos de no futsal: sexto em p� (da esquerda para a direita) �
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: Arquivo pessoal

Depois que saiu do clube, Renato Augusto foi levado para o rival Flamengo, onde se destacou na base e come�ou a construir carreira de sucesso nos gramados. Deixou o Brasil em 2008, para defender o Bayer Leverkusen, e retornou em 2013, para come�ar a construir idolatria no Corinthians.

+ Contrata��es do Fluminense para 2024: veja quem chega e quem vai embora

Por l�, foi campe�o paulista e da Recopa em 2013, e viveu seu momento de maior protagonismo na conquista do Brasileir�o de 2023, quando foi eleito o craque do torneio. Na primeira passagem, foram 127 jogos e 15 gols.

Na sequ�ncia foi atuar na China, entre 2023 e 2023, quando defendeu o Beijing Guoan. Voltou ao Corinthians no ano seguinte, em julho de 2023, onde disputou mais 116 jogos e marcou mais 15 gols.

Na �ltima sexta-feira, fora dos planos do clube paulista para a pr�xima temporada, tomou a decis�o de voltar para uma de suas primeiras casas no Rio de Janeiro, onde vestir� a camisa tricolor mais de 23 anos depois dos primeiros jogos no sal�o nas Laranjeiras.

+ Veja a lista de inscritos do Fluminense para o Mundial de Clubes

�dolo do Corinthians, o meia terminou 2023 com 45 partidas, seis gols e dez assist�ncias, liderando o ranking de passes para gol da equipe. Ao todo, somando n�meros das duas passagens, Renato acumulou 243 partidas pelo Tim�o, com 30 gols marcados.

Renato Augusto em jogo do Corinthians �
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: Marcos Ribolli

+ ?Clique aqui para seguir o novo canal ge Fluminense no WhatsApp

Al�m de Renato Augusto, o Fluminense tamb�m est� acertado com o zagueiro Ant�nio Carlos, ex-Flamengo, Corinthians e Palmeiras, e que estava atuando no Orlando City, dos Estados Unidos.

+ Voc� sabia? Cano j� disputou o Mundial e mira "novo sonho" com Fluminense

Tanto Renato Augusto quanto Ant�nio Carlos n�o poder�o disputar o Mundial de Clubes pelo Fluminense - eles s� estar�o dispon�veis a partir de janeiro. O Tricolor j� enviou a lista dos 23 jogadores que disputar�o a competi��o. As novidades foram as aus�ncias de Leo Fern�ndez e Lel�.

+ Leia mais not�cias do Fluminense

?? Ou�a o podcast ge Fluminense ??

Assista: tudo sobre o Fluminense no ge, na Globo e no sportv

Veja tamb�m

Acertado com o Flu para 2024, meia de 35 anos fez parte de duas conquistas estaduais com o time mirim tricolor no sal�o entre 1999 e 2000

Equipes protagonizam batalha equilibrada, mas paulistas vencem por 3 sets a 1

Jogador tem contrato com o clube paulista at� o fim deste m�s e vai refor�ar o Flu em 2024

Atacante deu nome � ta�a da etapa de encerramento da competi��o estadual organizada pela Federa��o do Estado de Golfe do Rio de Janeiro

Clube alviverde quer diminuir os preju�zos no campo em dias de forte chuva

Campeonato Brasileiro de 2023 tem diminui��o de 17% na quantidade de decis�es alteradas ap�s revis�o do �rbitro de

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, al�m de queda de 12% em paradas para checagem de lances

Atual edi��o fecha com m�dia de 26.524 pagantes por jogo, superando 1983, que teve 22.953. Flamengo � quem mais levou torcedores aos est�dios e � o dono da maior arrecada��o bruta

T�cnico do Manchester City acredita que meia belga ainda estar� sem condi��o para disputar torneio em dezembro, apesar de jogador estar inscrito

Tricolor sabe que precisar� passar por um advers�rio antes e n�o considera que jogo contra o Manchester City � certo

Tricolor teve m�dia de mais de 37 mil pagantes quando atuou como mandante no est�dio em 2023 e vendeu mais de 1,2 milh�o de ingressos

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    Your Guide To Crypto Lottery

    The general perception is that it�s easier to get struck by lightning than it is to win a mega lottery. That perception is slowly changing because the number of mega lottery wins continues to increase with every passing year. Contributing to the growth of lottery games � and therefore wins � on offer are crypto lotteries.

    Crypto lotteries are easy to play because they are based on luck and don�t require any special strategy. Most of the traditional lotteries tend to have a drawing every week while some end up having two drawings per week, depending on the size of the lottery. However, online lotteries have draws that take place on a much more frequent basis. So that you have the chance to win every day!

    We at CryptoCasinos review crypto lotteries from all over the world and shortlists only the ones that meet our strict criteria. We regularly check for new crypto lotteries, bonus updates, and special offers and update our toplist accordingly to ensure that you are always up to date with what is happening in the crypto lottery world.

    1 How to choose a good crypto lottery site There are two ways to go about finding a crypto lottery site that you will like. The first is using a Google search. A lot of lottery players end up using this method, but it can be both tedious and time consuming. If you use this method, you�ve got to check out multiple lottery sites one at a time, keep track of their offerings and then decide which one you want to play at. The second option is to use the recommended list of crypto lotteries found here at CryptoCasinos. Here you can also find lists for games like Plinko played with BTC or the wildly popular BTC blackjack category. This will make life much easier for you, because don�t have to waste your time researching a large amount of sites and can quickly find the crypto lottery site for you. Using the below criteria, and more, our team of gaming experts searches, evaluates, filters and shortlists the best crypto lotteries, so you don�t have to! Selection of Cryptocurrencies Good crypto lotteries offer players a wide selection of cryptocurrencies. That way they will attract players from all over the world, each with their own preferences of cryptocurrencies popular in their country. You can rest assured that on our lists of featured crypto lottery sites you�ll find at least one site that will accept the most popular cryptocurrencies in your part of the world. Game Variety CryptoCasinos focuses on finding crypto lotteries that give you a good selection of lottery games. We tend to avoid crypto lotteries that have only one offering unless the offering is hugely popular with the crypto lottery market. Our selection includes both lottery sites with mostly well-known lottery games, and lottery sites that offer games from smaller and lesser known game producers. That way you can play lottery games that you know and treasure, or you can try out new and original games. Reputation We don�t just feature any crypto lottery on our list. Our team does due diligence to research and verify that the crypto lottery is reputed and respected before it is recommended. We don�t shortlist any illegal or unscrupulous crypto lotteries as we want to make sure all players can enjoy their Bitcoin lottery game in a safe environment.

    2 How to get started If you want to start playing crypto lottery games, we recommend that you take a look at our list of featured crypto lottery sites. CryptoCasinos has clearly listed a lot of the useful information, such as the different cryptocurrencies they accept, the pros and cons of playing at the sites, withdrawal and deposit times as well as bonus information. Shortlist a couple of lottery sites that attract your attention and start with the one that impressed you the most. Our team only recommends reputed and safe crypto lotteries so you can be confident that you will be playing at a trustworthy crypto lottery. Once you visit the crypto lottery site, you will have to register an account. The registration process at crypto lottery sites usually takes less than a couple of minutes because you won�t be asked for a lot of personal and financial information like on fiat money lottery sites. All you got to do is sign-up for an account and provide the requested information, and you are well on your way to start playing crypto lottery games. How To Deposit Once you have registered, the next thing is to transfer crypto from your crypto wallet to your crypto lottery account. The process is simple. You first need to ensure that you have sufficient crypto in your crypto wallet. If you don�t, then you will need to go to a crypto exchange and buy some. Once your account has sufficient crypto, decide how much you are going to transfer to your crypto lottery account. 2. Next step is to sign in to your crypto lottery account, go to the banking section and choose the deposit option. Click on the cryptocurrency you wish to deposit with and follow the process. You will be asked to link your cryptocurrency wallet to your crypto lottery account to facilitate the transfer process. Once done, select the amount of crypto you wish to transfer and click transfer. The process should take place immediately and you should see your crypto lottery account now reflecting the transferred funds. Once the crypto shows up in your account, you can start buying your favorite crypto lottery tickets. The same process applies when depositing at bitcoin casinos, betting and poker. Whether you are playing with Bitcoin, Ethereum, litecoin, Binance USD, or any other cryptocurrency, the deposit and withdrawal process tends to work the same. The only difference is selecting which crypto you want to deposit and play with.

    3 Lottery bonuses When it comes to playing Bitcoin lottery games, you have two options. The first is playing at a crypto lottery site that offers nothing else but crypto lottery tickets. The second is finding an online bitcoin casino that has crypto lottery games as part of its offering. While standalone lottery sites tend to offer a bigger variety of lottery games, they usually don�t have a lot of welcome bonuses to entice players. Online casinos that include other games besides crypto lottery tickets tend to offer bigger and better bonuses to new players. If you are only interested in crypto lottery tickets, then it might be better if you focus on signing up at a dedicated crypto lottery site as you are not going to be playing any other games. Just be prepared to overlook any special welcome bonuses. But if you for example like to play online casino games and slots in addition to Ethereum lottery games, then we recommend you sign up at an online crypto casino that includes lotteries. Here you will find multiple bonus offers such as no deposit bonuses or match deposit bonuses. If you get free bitcoin lottery tickets or free cash as part of your welcome bonus, always check the terms and conditions to see if they can be used to bet on crypto lottery games. Some sites also offer reload bonuses, meaning that when you�ve deposited the first time and decide to do it again, there�s once again a bonus for you to claim. The bonus is usually very similar to the traditional welcome bonuses, and can be anything from a deposit match to a free lottery ticket.

    4 Loyalty rewards at crypto lotteries You generally don�t find specific loyalty rewards being handed out at crypto only lotteries. Since the wagers of most crypto lotteries games are relatively low, there are no specific VIP programs or loyalty reward programs for crypto lotteries. However, if you are playing at a crypto casino where crypto lotteries are part of the gaming offering, you are more likely to find a loyalty rewards program. These VIP programs tend to be based on different tier levels and each tier level will be opened to players once they accumulate a certain number of loyalty points. Each VIP level will pay out a different set of bonuses and benefits � which is a reward for loyal players. The special VIP bonuses can come in the form of free spins, free bets, and special offers. Loyalty points are accumulated based on the crypto casino games you play. However, the amount of crypto spent at crypto lottery tickets are generally not taken into consideration.

    5 Advantages of crypto lotteries There are many advantages of playing crypto lotteries, but there�s also some disadvantages (although not nearly as many). At CryptoCasinos we aim to give you the pros and cons of each crypto lottery site that we review. You can read our detailed reviews and be the final judge as to which Bitcoin lottery works best for you. The following advantages apply to each and every crypto lottery site that we include in our recommendations. Global Access Fiat money lotteries tend to have a lot of restrictions as they are subjected to the law of the land. Crypto lotteries operate on the blockchain which is a decentralized system and thus allows players from around the world to play crypto lotteries with no restrictions. Bitcoin lotteries continue to be the most popular crypto lotteries as Bitcoin is arguably the most used crypto in the world. Super-Fast Withdrawal Speed Traditional lotteries can make the winners go through a lengthy and cumbersome process to collect their winnings. You won�t have to endure this should you win at a Bitcoin lottery. Once the drawing is finished, the winner will get paid within a couple of minutes. The winning amount should show up in their crypto account soon after. Full Transparency When you play at a crypto lottery, you will be able to get access to essential information such as deposits, transactions and payouts, list of winners and more. All of this info is visible on the general ledger which players can access. This transparency of information is not always evident in traditional lottery settings. High Performing Assets If you end up winning a crypto lottery that pays out in Bitcoin or Ethereum, you might end up with a decent sum of money, no matter how small the payout is. This is because both Bitcoin and Ethereum have experienced a significant increase in value during the last few years. You will have the option of holding on to your crypto winnings and waiting for the crypto value to further increase before you make a withdrawal. It�s a great way to try and make more money on your crypto holdings. Safety Crypto lotteries operate on the blockchain and hence are a lot safer and secure than traditional lotteries. Stats will show that there have been more safety breaches at online casinos and online lotteries over the years than crypto lotteries, due to the way the blockchain technology works.

    6 Disadvantages of crypto lotteries Although it may sound like crypto lotteries don�t have any faults, this is not the entire picture. To balance the many advantages of crypto lotteries, it�s only fair that we also point out the disadvantages. Lack of Options There are literally hundreds of traditional lotteries that operate around the world but the same cannot be said of crypto lotteries. There aren�t that many crypto lotteries operating at the moment and it�s important to pick out the good crypto lotteries from the not so good crypto lotteries � reducing the options even more. CryptoCasinos takes care of this for you and you can play any of our recommended crypto lotteries as they have been through a strict vetting process. High Volatility While playing and winning crypto is certainly an advantage, it all depends on the timings. If a crypto like Bitcoin or Bitcoin Cash is experiencing a downward spiral, you will be put under pressure as to whether you should sell or risk holding on and hoping for a turnaround. Most of the top performing cryptocurrencies are highly volatile and this automatically brings risks with it. This applies to all forms of crypto gambling, including poker, betting and casino as well. Lately, bitcoin has stabilized more and the value seems to not be as volatile.

    7 Deposit and withdrawal Making deposits and withdrawals at crypto casinos is a simple process, but it�s always good to have a guide to follow when doing something you haven�t done before. Here�s some basic instructions on how depositing and withdrawing money at a crypto casino site works: Depositing at a crypto lottery Depositing at a crypto lottery is simple. Simply create an account for the site you�re looking to deposit at, choose the deposit option, choose your cryptocurrency of choice and follow the step by step guide on how to go through with the deposit. Once your deposit has been made you�ll receive an email with your receipt for the deposit, along with a pop up message telling you that your deposit has gone through. Depending on the cryptocurrency you�ve chosen, the confirmation time for the transaction may be anywhere from just a few minutes to an hour. This process also applies to depositing at crypto casinos, sportsbooks and poker sites. Withdrawing at a crypto lottery Withdrawals in many ways work the same way that deposits do. You simply go to the withdrawal page, choose the cryptocurrency of choice, log in with your crypto wallet or provide your crypto wallet address, and follow the steps on the screen. Sites usually have requirements regarding which withdrawal methods you can choose, and the method available are usually the same one that you used when depositing. Withdrawal times will depend on the site you�re playing at, but crypto withdrawal times are usually similar to crypto deposit times, as they need to be confirmed much the same as when they were sent.

    8 Most popular crypto accepted by lottery sites The average crypto user might only be aware of a few popular cryptocurrencies. It could come as a surprise to you that there are now over 2000 cryptocurrencies being used throughout the world, and that number is expected to grow even further in the coming years. Crypto lottery sites tend to accept all of the popular cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum, Bitcoin, Ripple, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin and Tether. Check for BTC lightning-approved sites if you wish for fast transactions. Some of the bigger crypto lotteries will have an expanded crypto selection to enable players from around the world to play with the cryptocurrency they are most comfortable with.

    9 Popular games at crypto lotteries The popular games at Bitcoin casinos tend to be based on the format of lucky draws and spinning balls. Popular crypto lottery games include People�s One and Revolution Lotto. The price of a crypto lotto ticket is generally around 0.0001 BTC or 0.1 mBTC, which makes it very affordable and accessible to crypto lottery players. You can buy as many lottery tickets as you want. The rules and draw date for each crypto lottery will be clearly mentioned in the terms and conditions. Make sure you take the time to go through them to avoid any misunderstandings or disappointments.

    10 Mobile crypto lotteries Most online bitcoin gamblers are looking for mobile friendly lotteries. Since crypto lotteries aren�t very common, you�re going to struggle to find dedicated mobile Bitcoin lottery apps available in the Google Play store and Apple Store. However, the top crypto lotteries all have mobile-friendly Bitcoin websites and mobile friendly lottery games. This makes it very easy for players to access them via their smartphones and play while on the move. All you got to do is open your mobile browser, access the crypto lottery site, and start playing. The crypto lotteries that we recommend have customized their offerings for mobile play. This makes it easy for you to create an account, deposit crypto and start playing lottery games on a daily basis wherever you are. There are also a number of crypto lotteries that encourage players to play via their mobile by giving them special perks and bonuses.

    11 Safety and security at crypto lotteries Online casinos have a larger risk of being targeted by cybercriminals because hackers know that money is being exchanged on a regular basis. This is where crypto lotteries make a huge difference: because they operate on the blockchain it makes it a lot more difficult for cybercriminals to target. Here�s some of the pros that blockchain technology brings regarding safety: Anonymity Crypto users won�t need to enter any financial information at crypto lotteries. All of the financial data is anonymous since you are using crypto to make your deposits and withdraw your winnings. This means even if unauthorized parties manage to get into the crypto lottery, they won�t be able to access any financial information of yours. If you want to make it even more anonymous, make sure to always use a local wallet when sending your cryptos, this way there�s no personal details connected to your wallet. Regular Maintenance The crypto lotteries that we recommend have high safety protocols in place and carry out regular checks of their sites and security features. By staying up to date with technological developments, these crypto lotteries stay ahead of the game and make it virtually impossible for their firewalls and security protocols to be breached. Confidentiality While the anonymity factor protects you and keeps you safe from hackers and cyber thieves, the confidentiality factor allows you to play lottery games without having to worry about who is looking over your shoulder. There are many lottery players out there who want to protect their personal information and don�t want to have their lottery playing habits publicly accessible. This is why many lottery players hide their physical lottery tickets as their personal info is displayed on the ticket. You won�t face this issue at crypto lottery sites as your identity is protected.

    12 Terms and conditions at crypto lotteries The terms and conditions pages at crypto lotteries contain important information that you, the player, needs to be aware of. However, it�s a fact that no one likes to spend their time reading through the fine print and trying to figure out terms and jargon that can be a little difficult to understand. CryptoCasinos encourages you to take some time to read through the T&Cs. But if you are not too keen on doing so, then at least pay attention to the main sub-sections that deal with the different draws, prize categories, special promotions, winnings, suspension and termination of lottery accounts and non-payment of winnings. When you do this you�ll gain vital information that�ll assist you to make the right decisions while playing at these crypto lotteries or other sites like BTC slots and it�ll avoid disappointments when you want to withdraw winnings.

    13 Popular crypto lottery terms If you aren�t familiar with crypto lotteries, these are some of the common terms or jargon that will be used at the crypto lottery, in the terms and conditions and during the games. Entry This refers to the selection of numbers that you will play with in a crypto lottery draw. Often this is a line of 1 to 6 numbers plus 1 bonus number. Draw The term �Draw� refers to the process of selecting the winners of a particular lottery game. The name of the game will usually be mentioned at the side of the word draw. A date and time will also be mentioned for the draw. These draws take place at a regular basis at crypto lotteries. Do make sure you note your draw date and time and then check back to see if you�ve won. Small Winnings You don�t have to get all the lottery numbers right to win. Simply put, if you get a combination between 2+1 to 5+1 numbers, you stand a chance of winning crypto. The higher the combination of numbers you get right in the draw, the higher will be your payout. Large Winnings While small winnings are nice, most crypto lottery players are aiming for large winnings. You will win the crypto lottery prize when you get 6 or 6+1 numbers right. Daily Game This can refer to any crypto lottery game where the draw is held daily and the winners are announced the same day. Lotto This is the short term for lottery and denotes a game where a small group of numbers (generally 6) gets selected from a bigger group of numbers (generally 49). The draw will determine which 6 numbers get selected and what prizes get paid out based on the winning combination of numbers.


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